Use Time Differently

Use the time with technology

Classic meets 2023

Revitalise in the world of fashion, from classic to new



Pay with the Watch you 



Share all your social within one attachment



All your notifications
on your phone on your watch.

Made to fit in

Soluwrist’s goal is to make the LINK blend in as much as possible with the design of the watch. We will match the color of the watch band so that it blends. We also want this device to be as comfortable as possible without ruining the experience.

Long Lasting and sustainable

With normal use, each Soluwrist LINK is expected to last up to five years. All LINKS will be made of premium materials to match your premium watch.

Soluwrist Links

Social Link

Social Media Accounts on your Watch

The social link attachment slides perfectly onto your watch band and allows you to program it through our app to have your social media accounts be displayed when someone taps their phone

Pay Link

Payment within your Watch

The pay link fits directly onto the watch strap and allows you to connect your credit card through the app and automatically pay transactions at payment terminals that support paywave with your watch

Watch ID/Medical

When your company needs to tempor.

The watch ID and medical ID will be the same as all the other links but we’ll have the ability to sheer medical ID information about the watch holder. And the watch ID we’ll also be able to share information like your driver’s licence to a cashier to prove your overage

Why Us

What we are doing now?



We’re kicking off our company with a bang with our Kickstarter.

We are selling

Social Links

The social link is available and ready for purchase you are able to use the app that we give you within the instructions and be able to program your social media account onto your watch!


Case studies

About Us

Who we are


Lawson Davey

My name is Lawson and I am from Christchurch, New Zealand I am studying computer science and working on game development marketing and product development. Full-time I am working on Soluwrist. Ever since a young age, I have always started small businesses that may or may not have made any profit but from that failure, I’ve learned many more skills than I would have if I had succeeded the first time. My goal is to get Soluwrist to the point at which customers love the product and where it was infusion about the future of watches and wearable tech. 


“The world is ever evolving technology and it’s time a company starts to create new technology instead of repeating old cough cough apple”

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